Work on Good Oral Health While at Work
Work days are often stressful and fast-paced, and in the midst of it all it can be hard to consider the condition of our teeth. Some habits you may have while at work can take their toll on your teeth, so here are a few solutions to avoid potential harm.
Free sugary goods in the office: Set up a rule to avoid sugary foods and stick to it! If there is a certain table that people display sweets, tell yourself to not eat the food at that particular table. You can still allow yourself to enjoy the occasional snacks that show up elsewhere.
Too much coffee: Most people like to start out the day with coffee or other caffeinated drinks, and a lot like to enjoy more throughout the day. Coffee and tea stain teeth, as well as coat your teeth with sugar. If you swish your mouth out with a glass of water between drinks, it can lessen these effects. Water cleans the dark liquids away and prevents sugar from building up.
Eating at your desk: When you are having a busy day, you may choose to eat your lunch at your desk to stay productive. However, eating at your desk creates a potential for bacterial growth, affecting your oral and overall health. Eat lunch out or move your lunch to a common area in the office to avoid this problem. If you must eat at your desk, clean and disinfect the area before and after you eat.
Vending machine food: If you find yourself frequenting the vending machines throughout your day, make an effort to pick something lower in sugar and salt. Unsalted nuts are just one of the options found in vending machines that are a quick and healthy snack that will prevent sugars from eating away at your teeth.
Do you have any other tips for eating and snacking at the office? Let us know!
Courtesy of Bright Now