Maintaining Your Dental Implants
Dental implants can help boost your confidence and have you smiling in no time. If you’ve received your dental implants in Lakeview, you know how important it is to keep them healthy and clean after the treatment. Now that you have a new and improved smile, let’s ensure the longevity of the implants by using specific techniques to keep them clean and free of destructive bacteria and plaque.
Taking Care Of Implants
If you are an implant recipient, make sure you stay motivated to take care of your oral health by doing the following:
- Clean your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and use low-abrasive toothpaste
- Brush under and around the implant crown, hitting all the necessary spots
- Floss daily with unwaxed tape or implant-specific floss recommended by your dentist
Watch Your Diet
Dental implants are made of porcelain and metal, meaning they won’t decay the way your tooth enamel does. Even though the implants don’t decay, they can still be affected by what you choose to eat and drink. Sugar can affect the durability and quality of your implants, giving the bacteria in your mouth plenty to absorb. High levels of bacteria can also increase your risk for developing peri-implantitis—an infection around the implant—so try to avoid sugar as much as you can.
Make sure you make a follow-up appointment after your implant procedure. If you’ve recently gotten dental implants in Lakeview and have questions regarding oral maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact us today at 773.797.2645 or 312.585.2079! We are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.