Why Get a Dental Bridge?
When a patient has a gap between his or her existing teeth, the dentist will often suggest a bridge to fill the gap. A dental bridge is used in cosmetic dentistry as a less expensive option to a tooth implant. The bridge is produced to duplicate the look and color of the missing tooth. Unlike a partial denture which is another alternative to tooth replacement, a bridge is fixed in place, using the teeth on either side as the anchor points.
Benefits of A Dental Bridge
A bridge has several benefits. Teeth are positioned in the jaw, and they rely on the integrity of each other to retain their position. When a tooth is missing, the teeth on either side of the gap can begin to move, often twisting and turning. A bridge will help support the other teeth and stop them from moving. A dental bridge can also help with bite problems as well as ensuring the health of the gums and surrounding teeth. There is also the aesthetic value of filling the visible gap between their natural teeth.
How a Bridge is Placed
It is not difficult for a dentist to actually place a dental bridge. Once the bridge has been made in the lab to the specifications provided by the dentist, the dentist needs to prepare the teeth that the bridge will be supported by. The teeth that support the bridge are known as the “abutment.” These teeth are filed and ground and fitted with a crown, and the bridge tooth is fused to the crowns. The result is a single piece that can last for many years with proper dental hygiene.
The case may be that there is a healthy tooth on only one side of the gap. In cases such as this the dentist will prepare what is known as a “cantilever bridge.” The bridge is fixed on one side only; often the bridge will rest on multiple teeth to ensure it remains stable.
Who is a Candidate?
The ideal candidate for a dental bridge is a patient with one or more missing teeth, and the rest of the teeth are healthy. The person fitted with a bridge must follow a strict dental hygiene regimen and watch what they eat. Hard or very sticky food must be avoided when at all possible and the person should limit their sugar intake. As well as watching what they eat the individual should visit their dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning.
If you are missing one or more teeth there are a couple of solutions, one of which is a dental bridge. For detailed information visit your dentist in South Loop: Art of Modern Dentistry.