Don’t Let These Dental Myths Mess with Your Mouth!
You hear your dentist tell you at every visit: brush twice a day, floss at least once a day, and don’t eat too much sugar. While you know these facts all too well, you may also be falling for some of these common dental myths!
MYTH #1: As long as I visit my dentist twice a year, my mouth will be healthy.
No way! Even if you were to visit the dentist once a week, your teeth and gums will not be at optimal health unless you perform your daily oral health practices, like brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, maintaining a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water.
MYTH #2: I never had cavities when I was younger, so I won’t get one now.
While you should be happy you haven’t had to experience a cavity up until this point, that doesn’t mean all your healthy habits should go out the window. Also, certain things can increase your risk for cavities, such as dry mouth or a change in your diet.
MYTH #3: Everyone needs a dental checkup every six months.
The normal six months works well for some, but others may need more dental visits, and others may require less. Depending on your specific oral health and risk for disease, your dental care provider can recommend how frequently you should pay him or her a visit.
MYTH #4: A harder toothbrush will clean more effectively than a soft toothbrush.
Especially hard toothbrushes can actually do damage to your teeth. They can result in abrasion or even removal of some of your teeth’s surface area. If you use your soft brush properly, it will work just fine to clean your teeth.
MYTH #5: All wisdom teeth will need to be removed.
When your dentist notices your wisdom teeth starting to erupt, he or she will determine if there is enough room in your mouth, or if the wisdom teeth would cause surrounding teeth to crowd and shift in position. From there, you will know if yours will need to be removed.
Courtesy of Delta Dental